News Item

Are you using WhatsApp to connect with families?

Many CNC programs have been using  WhatsApp to connect with newcomer parents and children throughout the pandemic. No matter what virtual platform you're using, it's important to use the technology responsibly and understand best practices when it comes to safety and security. Here's a helpful article on how to use WhatsApp responsibly.

Are you using Zoom to connect with children and families?

COVID-19 is forcing everyone to change how they function, and CNC is no exception. If your program is using Zoom to offer online sessions for families during the pandemic, here are two articles with some tips and tricks that might help: How to use Zoom as an early childhood educator and How to Do Zoom Sessions for Little Tiny Squirmy Kids

Multilingual stories for children

StoryWeaver and Reads have lovely digital collections of multilingual stories for you to share!

Six Key Elements of Meaningful Play

Play supports the development of the whole child, including cognitive, social, physical, and emotional skills. So it's important to actively protect and encourage playtime for children - and to understand the key elements that can help you better foster quality play.

A Case for Self-Care

Caregivers need down time to re-energize, refuel and regroup. In this article, experts share suggestions and ideas for making self-care part of your usual routine - so that you can be better rested and ready to support the children in your care! 

Free Risky Play Webinar

Join author-designer Rusty Keeler as he celebrates the beauty and benefits of risky play and the importance of adults supporting children’s play. Full of images and inspiration, this webinar challenges you to think about your own professional practice with children and encourages you to take bold new steps to support play a little more each day. You will see amazing examples from around the world, learn tips and tools to breathe through risky play moments and reflect on your attitudes and comfort levels around risky play. What is your Yes? What is your No? 

Using Psychological First Aid to Support Children During the Pandemic

Many of the children we work with will be affected by the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 in some way, so we can anticipate many young ones will need additional support during these times. Psychological First Aid is something that non-mental health clinicians can use when mental health practitioners may not be available. PFA is not therapy. It is a system that focuses on providing a supportive and compassionate presence during and immediately following stressful events. 

Multicultural and Social Justice Children’s Book Lists

Teaching for Change has more than 60 carefully selected lists full of multicultural and social justice books for children and educators. 

Webinar: Diversity & Inclusion In Early Childhood

This webinar offers activity suggestions, books, songs, and practical tips to create a diverse and inclusive early years classroom. Participants will discuss race, gender and ability, the importance of knowing personal biases and promoting inclusion, as well as how to include parents in the conversation!

Child care not associated with spread of COVID-19, Yale study finds

Yale researchers conducted the first-ever large-scale assessment of the risk of working in child care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their findings show child care programs that remained open throughout the pandemic did not contribute to the spread of the virus to providers, lending valuable insight to parents, policymakers, and providers alike.