News Item

Multilingual COVID-19: Vaccine Resources

Looking for resources about COVID-19 vaccines in different languages? City of Toronto has developed this series of COVID-19 vaccine-related posters, graphics and other resources such as videos in multiple languages that you can download and share with families.

Summer Safety

With summer fast approaching, here are some important reminders for keeping children safe during the hot summer months, while promoting the healthy benefits of outdoor play!

WEBINAR: Making Sense of Trauma

Trauma is pervasive and impacts all of us. Becoming trauma-informed helps us when working with children to shift from saying "what is wrong with you" to "what has happened to you". The Making Sense of Trauma webinar helps participants better understand the patterns of children's behaviour and provides some practical tools to begin helping children to manage those behaviours.

National Indigenous History Month: Resources to Share with Children and Families

As we stand with the Indigenous peoples in Canada, reckon with the past, listen and find our path towards reconciliation during National Indigenous History Month, it can be difficult to talk about residential schools. But it's incredibly important to learn about Indigenous history and raise awareness in CNC. Here are two helpful lists of videos and books that might help you introduce Indigenous history to children in an age appropriate way.

11 Children’s Books to Celebrate Pride Month

All children should have books that reflect their background, interests, and dreams back to them. And this month, Redleaf Press has put together a list of children’s books that are perfect for celebrating Pride Month. And these 11 books aren’t just for families with a direct connection to LGBTQIA+ issues; everyone can use these books’ messages of unconditional love and acceptance!

WEBINAR: Exploring Challenging Behaviours and Implicit Bias

In this edWebinar, Dr. Angela Searcy challenges educators to stop, reflect on their own implicit biases, and grow so they can better understand and serve children exhibiting challenging behaviors within their classroom. Participants will be provided with self-reflective tools and strategies for examining the origins of implicit bias, reflecting on everyday conversations and recognizing potentially biased statements.

Valuing Diversity: Developing a Deeper Understanding of All Young Children’s Behaviour

Everything we think, say, and do is processed through our own cultural backgrounds. But because culture is absorbed and passed down from generation to generation rather than explicitly taught, we’re seldom aware of it. Culture shapes not only our values and beliefs, but also our gender roles, family structures, languages, dress, food, etiquette, approaches to disabilities, child-rearing practices, and even our expectations for children’s behavior. In this way, culture creates diversity. For educators, it is important to think about your own culture and how the cultures of children and their families play a role in your CNC program.

Opening the Door to So Much More: The Impact When Your Doors Are Wide Open to Families

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted policies across programs. Programs have implemented temporary restrictions and guidance that changed their drop-in procedures and on-site family engagement efforts. It may be a challenge to offer opportunities where families can still be involved and feel part of your program during these times. It's important to give some thought as to how they can be safely involved (e.g., video conferencing) or contribute in ways that do not require them to be physically present. It might also be a good time to think ahead into the future when families will once again be allowed to visit programs, reflect on your policies and gather feedback from families within your own program, and make sure they reflect your program’s beliefs and values regarding family support and engagement.

Encouraging School Readiness Skills in Preschoolers

The early years are a time when we can help children develop the tools they need to succeed before heading to formal K-12 schooling. Developing these school readiness skills help prepare children for optimal learning throughout their educational journey. This article takes a closer look at some of the school readiness skills that children can work on before they head off to kindergarten!

200+ activities ideas you can do at home with kids

Many programs across the country are closed in order to slow the spread of COVID-19, and kids are staying home due to the pandemic. Thankfully, learning doesn’t only happen in classrooms. Even while social distancing or self-isolating, children can keep on learning through play, using active games to keep them moving and learning at home. Here is a helpful article and list of over 200 activities ideas you can share with families to help them stay active at home!