News Item

Safe Spaces: Youth with Refugee Experience and Their Parents Harnessing Resilience

In a recent study, ten workshops were organized for Arabic-speaking refugee youth and their parents. Facilitated by the Syrian Canadian Foundation and psychiatrist Dr. Omar Reda, the workshops aimed to provide a safe space for refugee families to build better inter-family understanding and integrate trauma stories to build resilience. Here's what parents and youth had to say, illustrated in a simple infographic.

Webinar: Nurturing Indigenous Identity in an Early Years Centre

Samantha and the team at the EarlyON program in Baawaating (Sault Ste. Marie) believe that the culture of First Nations’ children -- their languages and kinship systems -- must be modelled, taught and celebrated so that Indigenous children grow to be proud of who they are. This webinar will share a snapshot of the unique history of First Nations people from the perspective of Indigenous early childhood educators. How that perspective inspired the methodology used to create an Indigenous culturally based early years family resource centre that places the knowledge and worldview of First Nations’ peoples at the centre of learning for parents/caregivers and their children.

How to help young kids cope with the trauma of the last year

WEBINAR: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – It Starts in Early Childhood

Diversity, equity, and inclusion seem to be buzzwords these days, but what do they all mean? During this webinar, participants took a closer look at the role of leaders and educators in creating programs, policies, and approaches that reflect these values. They'll also have a chance to discuss practical tips to create environments where everyone is welcome and included!

5 Ways Immigrant Parents Support Children’s Home Language Learning

It is important to preserve and develop a child’s home language for their cultural, linguistic, and social development. Yet, languages other than English are often not welcomed or encouraged the way they should be in classrooms. Here are 5 important ways that immigrant parents pass along their important linguistic, cultural, and social knowledge to support children's home language learning.

Webinar: Working Well with Babies

The first three years are a distinct developmental period in which quality of care and education have long-lasting effects. Babies have unique needs, and infant/ toddler education is one of the most important, complex, and challenging jobs. The Working Well with Babies webinar provides a set of comprehensive competencies, organized into 9 domains, along with the supports that educators need!

National Child Day

November 20th marks the 30th anniversary of Canada’s ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child - and it's a time to celebrate our country's commitment to upholding the rights of children everywhere! Children First Canada is organizing a special week of activities leading up to National Child Day. How will you celebrate in your program next week?

November 13th is World Kindness Day

In celebration of World Kindness Day, here is a beautiful poster and calendar of kindness ideas for you to share with colleagues, friends, and families this week!

How to Use Books to Promote Diversity in Early Education Classrooms

Many educators struggle with how to introduce the topic of diversity and differences in a classroom. How do we manage to do this without making one child or any of our children feel singled out? How do we make diversity something that we celebrate and talk about instead of acting like we are all the same? How do we ensure that all our staff participates in the discussion? Books are a great way to introduce diversity in CNC.

6 Active Games Kids Can Play With a Pair of Socks

Are you looking for fun physical activities that kids can do at home? Here are 6 simple games with sock balls that kids can play indoors with limited space and “equipment”—including single-player games kids can enjoy even when a parent or sibling isn’t able to join them.