How did Black History Month come to be?

February is Black History Month! This is a time to celebrate and remember all the ways that Black Canadians have contributed to Canada’s history and culture. Throughout February, this celebration provides a chance to learn about African cultures.

Newcomer Kids Face Chronic Health Risks. Here’s How You Can Help.

Studies show that newcomer children in Canada are developing chronic adult health conditions as a result of the high cost of healthy food and access to physical activities. So it's important for us to share ideas and resources to help families stay physically active and eat healthy! also has quick, 1-minute videos and tips on everyday food choices and raising healthy kids that are perfect for sharing with parents!

It’s Multicultural Children’s Book Day!

The goal of Multicultural Children’s Book Day is to raise awareness for the kid’s books that celebrate diversity and get more of these books into classrooms, libraries and collections. Here's a list of books and activities... maybe you'll find a new favourite!

Family Literacy Day 2024: Let’s Have a Family Party!

Family Literacy Day takes place every January 27th. The theme this year is “Let's Have a Family Party!”. You can check out ABC Life Literacy Canada’s website, join the celebration virtually, find community events, and download free resources to share with parents!

The CMAS Play Across Cultures Tutorial is Now Available in French!

Children from different cultures engage in play differently. This makes sense because there are differences in language, context, and social norms in different cultures – and these are all reflected in children’s play! In the Play Across Cultures tutorial, participants will have the chance to reflect on how play is different across cultures, and how we can encourage and foster all kinds of play variations in our CNC programs... and now it's available in French!

Helping Newcomer Parents Understand the Canadian School Schedule During the Winter

As many immigrants to Canada come from countries with education systems that are different than what their children will encounter here, it is unlikely that they will be familiar with how schools in this country handle extreme/inclement weather situations that can impact their family. Here's an article you can share with parents to help them understand how the public school system operates in Canada during the coldest months.

Anti-Bias Celebrations: Webinar Recording

Let's explore how and what families celebrate helps children learn about themselves, their community and the world around them. We're often questioning, "How can we celebrate holiday events that are important to children and families in a respectful way?" It’s our approach and implementation of these practices that make a difference, so let’s chat about it! Join CMAS special guest, Tina Geers in this webinar to discuss different ways that educators have embraced an anti-biased approach to holidays. We'll also talk about what has worked for them and what they have learned from their mistakes. It’s a journey of learning that we can take together!

Healthy Snacks for Children

Healthy snacks are as important to children’s growth and development as healthy meals. Young children have small stomachs and can’t get all the nutrients they need from just 3 regular meals. Older children need snacks to stay alert and energetic throughout the day. Here are some tips for using Canada’s Food Guide to be sure children are getting healthy snacks. They're perfect for sharing with your team and the parents in your program!

NEW! LET’S PLAY: House Activity Ideas

Playing house gives children plenty of opportunities to explore different roles, practice problem-solving, and act out feelings that they might not yet be able to express in words. A team of CNC staff put their heads together and came up with over 140 house activity ideas and play extensions to build on this interest.

New Year’s Resolution: Be Present for the Children in Our Lives

We all get distracted and, at times, bogged down by the hustle and bustle of life and the obligations we must fulfill. However, a harried and stressed life can take a toll on our littlest family members and learners–during a time of critical brain development. As we head into 2024 and reflect on areas in our lives where we can improve or bring more joy and satisfaction, we should consider that we can be more present, responsive and calm for the children in our lives–through actionable steps. Here are 6 things we can do to become more available to children even in the midst of our own struggles.