35 Earth Day Activities For Kids

Are you wondering what things you can do for Earth Day with your the children in your program? Earth Day is a great time to introduce concepts such as recycling, pollution, planting, composting, and recycling. These simple hands-on Earth Day activities below will help you get started.

Covid Generation: Putting Them on the Path to Well-being

It’s hard to believe that children under five have spent half their lives growing through the stress and uncertainty that came with the pandemic. What can we do to make sure that they are on the path of emotional well-being? Here are some ideas for how we can help this generation recover from the socialization lost during this time.

Childhood Resilience – Trauma-Informed Care

Do you know the signs of childhood trauma, what to do, and what not to do? Caregivers cannot support children in developing coping skills, nor can we be part of the responsive relationships that children need, unless we have done the work ourselves. We can start this important work with this list of things to do and what to avoid when supporting children dealing with trauma.

How caregivers can help build children’s emerging language skills

Research shows that children’s early language skills have a long reach in affecting later life outcomes. Because when children develop the ability to understand language, as well as speak and communicate, it helps them to interact with others and learn about the world around them. Here are three simple ways that we can help build children’s emerging language skills in our programs and families.

Magic Moments: Active Problem Solving with Young Children

Every problem, large or small, is an opportunity for young children to learn and grow. From spilled glue to a conflict in the block corner, problems are an unlimited natural resource generated inside our own classrooms. This insight-building webinar will explore how early childhood educators can take the problems, mistakes, and accidents that inevitably occur in every early childhood program, and turn them into teachable moments.

WEBINAR – Art in the Trauma-Informed ECE Classroom: Process over Product

Open-ended art is a creative process of self-discovery that literally grows the brain. Why then, do many teachers deliver cookie-cutter crafts as art? Process art builds the brain in early childhood and serves to both calm the nervous system and release emotions. These calming and releasing functions have important implications for trauma-informed classrooms. Art is a safe way to experience choice and control, make our own decisions, take risks, and express our thoughts and feelings. In many ways, all art is self-discovery. This webinar will share key practices that to help reduce the use of cookie-cutter crafts in favor of true art that reflects children’s authentic thoughts and feelings.

57 Fun Physical Activities for Little Ones

Children between 2-4 years old don’t only need a lot of movement, they also need a lot of variety of movement. This age group is ready to move in new and exciting ways! So while it’s essential to make time for unstructured, active playtime, it’s also important to have access to plenty of fun, simple activities that you know will help them get active and develop skills in many different ways. Here's a list of 57 fun activities for kids that might help!

Sing & Sign Webinar: Supporting Emerging Language Through Music, Sign Language, and Play

Join this interactive and informative presentation to learn simple steps to start signing with young children, key benefits, and easy ways to incorporate signing across the environments and routines of your day with young children!

Caring for a child with special needs: Strategies for newcomer families

Learning that your child is born with a chronic illness or has special needs can be devastating for all families. But it can be isolating and extremely challenging for newcomer families as they navigate an unfamiliar healthcare system, without their traditional sources of community support. The terminology, diagnosis, treatment options, hospital visits and assessment or therapy appointments can be overwhelming in a new country. Language and cultural barriers may also lead to limited involvement and contribution to decision making leading to helplessness and sometimes a lack of trust in health professionals. Remember, you are not alone and can find the support you need. To help navigate this situation in a new country and manage the family’s well-being, here are a few strategies that can be shared with families.

VIDEO: How Early Childhood Experiences Affect Lifelong Health and Learning

How is ongoing, severe stress and adversity in early childhood connected to chronic disease in adults? And, what can we do about it? In this animated video, learn what the latest science tells us about how early experiences affect not only early learning and school readiness, but also lifelong health. Challenge yourself to think about how we can address the sources of these problems. And, consider how integrating primary care into every aspect of early childhood programming may be an important part of the solution.