Transform Challenging Behavior FREE Online Conference for Early Childhood Providers

In this online event, participants will consider the topic of challenging behaviour from many angles, focus on prevention and look at how to support children using innovative strategies. Sessions will also explore racial disproportionality and implicit bias surrounding issues of challenging behaviour in the early years.

FILM: Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action- The Early Years

A new film, Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years, features vignettes of anti-bias strategies in early childhood classrooms interspersed with teachers reflecting on their practice. The film shifts the focus away from the talking heads of experts and on to the voices of teachers committed to equity on a daily basis. By taking viewers into diverse early childhood classrooms, the film demonstrates the importance of teacher reflection on identity, context, and practice in anti-bias education and provides a much-needed resource for teacher education and professional development. It also includes an accompanying viewer guidebook and suggestions for using the film for professional development for your team!

April is Autism Awareness Month!

All children experience the world differently, and those differences are even greater for children with autism. April is Autism Awareness month, and Sesame Street in Communities has developed these new resources to share and help remind us to celebrate the amazing in every child!

50 Earth Day Activities for Children and Families

Earth Day is our annual reminder to slow down and appreciate the bounty of the earth. Here's a list of 50 Earth Day activity ideas that you can share with families this week to encourage children to create objects from natural and recycled materials and spend more time outdoors.

Looking for resources to support English as an Additional Language (EAL) learners?

This collection of EAL teaching and learning resources includes worksheets & activity sheets for teachers, professionals and parents to support them in effectively communicating and helping children learn English as an Additional Language.

Podcast: Improving Children’s Attention Spans Through Play

In this episode of The Preschool Podcast, you'll learn about children’s attention spans, and how educators and parents can foster learning and regulated attention through intentional play.

Supporting Parents and Caregivers with Trauma Histories during COVID-19

COVID IMAGEA new Child Trends brief outlines strategies that can be used during the pandemic to support parents who have experienced trauma. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, caregivers have faced many challenges, including unemployment and benefits cuts, loss of child care, and the need to supervise virtual learning. Research shows that chronic stress and hardship can negatively affect parents’ and caregivers’ ability to support and nurture their children, and these effects are even greater for parents who have a history of trauma.

The ABC’s of Racial Literacy

All kids need a strong individual and group identity, but racism hurts the healthy development of both. Racism hurts our entire society. Sesame Street in Communities has resources to help develop children’s understanding, curiosity, resilience, and empathy—and to prepare for the task of building a better world by standing up, standing tall, and standing together.

How can we help kids develop physical literacy?

To be healthy, children need to move and be physically active. And it’s much more than physical health that comes with being active! Children who move are healthier, happier, and more successful in life. In our digital world, it can be challenging, but here's a simple "recipe" for getting kids moving every day!

The Importance of Promoting Diversity in Early Childhood Programs

The concept of diversity takes various forms and is incorporated into many aspects of our life. From religion, gender, culture, family structures, and physical abilities, we are each brought into this world made up of many differences. For years it was thought that children would automatically form positive outlooks about differences, but research has shown that advocating and exposing children to diversity requires active promotion!