Inclusion 101 is a two-part interactive workshop designed to show caregivers how easy it is to ensure that their program is inclusive to all children. It examines inclusion and what it is, and teaches hands-on methods to develop an inclusive environment in simple, cost-effective ways. It also teaches how to successfully use developmental screening tools.
Workshops are available throughout Ontario. Contact your CMAS consultant if you are interested in hosting or attending Inclusion 101.
Additional supporting documents and resources for workshop attendees:
- Environmental Assessment – Worksheet from
- SpecialLINK – Great Resources on Inclusion in Child Care
- Inclusion: Policy Development Guidelines for Early Learning and Care Programs – By the City of Toronto
- Examples of Environmental Modifications – Presentation
- Early Literacy Skills Assessment (ELSA)
- Financial Assistance Programs
- International Preschool Inclusion: Bridging the Gap Between Vision and Practices
- Assessing Inclusion Quality in Early Learning and Childcare in Canada with the SpeciaLink Child Care Inclusion Practices Profile and Principles Scale
- Preschool Assessment: A Guide to Developing a Balanced Approach
- Early Development Instrument Guide
- Developmental screening Tool Fact Sheet: Nippissing District Developmental Screening (French)
- Specialink
- NAEYC: Early Childhood Inclusion Statement