Child Pedestrian Safety

More than 4,000 children each year are hit by motor vehicles while playing or walking outdoors. SafeKids Canada provides a comprehensive guide to help with the “bigger picture,” and provides lots of practical suggestions and real-life examples from Canadian communities.

Helpful resources and tools, such as the Key Child Pedestrian Safety Messages outline appropriate priority messages for parents and caregivers.


  • how, why and where pedestrian injuries occur;
  • a comprehensive approach which includes educational, enforcement and environmental strategies;
  • how to examine your local pedestrian safety situation; and
  • how to create a comprehensive action plan to improve pedestrian safety in your community.

The health benefits of walking as a form of transportation and encouragement to consider how “walkable” a community might be, is also discussed in this guide. Timely information, given recent decreases in physical activity and the increase in obesity among Canadian children.

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