Sharing expertise in newcomer childcare and support settlement.

CMAS is Canada's leading organization that focuses on caring for newcomer children.

We take a great deal of pride in sharing our expertise with immigrant serving organizations and other organizations in the child care field.

We identify gaps in service and work to create solutions; establish and measure the standards of care; and support services for newcomer families through resources, training and consultations.

If you are looking for resources on caring for newcomer children, please visit our CNC site.

How did Black History Month come to be?

February is Black History Month! This is a time to celebrate and remember all the ways that Black Canadians have contributed to Canada’s history and culture. Throughout February, this celebration provides a chance to learn about African cultures.

Ten Sesame Street Resources All About Love

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, but every day is the right day to celebrate all the people, places, and things that you love! So here are ten songs, videos, and activities that you can use in your program to celebrate the power of love all year round

2024 CNC Conference session recordings are now available!

The 2024 CNC Conference session recordings are now available here. One of our top-rated sessions was Designing YES Spaces: Embrace the YES and Design a Space for Children, and it's definitely worth checking out! Here’s what one participant had to say about this session: "Lots of useful tips to better ourselves to meet children’s needs.... Excellent ideas for how to use space."

Free Online After-School Program for School Age Kids

Brainworx! is a free, interactive and empowering online after-school program where children in grades 1-6 can learn and have fun in a safe online environment - so it's a great resource to share with the newcomer families with school-age children in your program! The program is hosted 2x per week after school, and each group is led by live volunteer coaches and mentors. It even incorporates physical activity and helps create a sense of belonging and community by keeping the groups consistent and small - so everyone can get to know one another. By providing a flexible enrichment opportunity for students, Brainworx! allows children to improve their literacy and Social Emotional Literacy skills without in-person barriers. Be sure to share this opportunity with the families in your program today!

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