Quick Tip Sheets

Providing Quality Newcomer Infant Care

The early years are a period of growth and opportunity for children, but they are also a time when children are most vulnerable to harm! This tip sheet examines how to make health and safety your top priorities, support families with sensitivity and understanding, provide culturally-sensitive care, and value diverse parenting practices.

Creating a Welcoming Program for Newcomer Children

After the trauma of fleeing their home country, refugee families need safe and stable environments. To create this kind of “safe haven”, programs can develop a space where children can hear English but are not pushed to use it, and where they can observe activities and are encouraged to join in but are not required to. Learn about the many other things you can do to reduce stress and help ease this difficult transition for families.

Selecting Space for Mobile Care

By offering mobile short-term care in conjunction with settlement services, you can allow more newcomer families to benefit from your programs and to be supported in their transition to life in Canada. As an administrator, selecting safe, appropriate space that meets CNC Requirements (CNCR) is one of your responsibilities. This tip sheet is available in English and French to help you select the right spaces to improve the quality of care for the children in your program and reduce safety risks.

Choosing Toys and Equipment for Mobile Care

When offering mobile care for newcomer children, the locations, caregivers and children change often, making for many variables to consider when selecting toys and equipment. For example, the children in attendance will come from diverse backgrounds and communities and will be of varying ages. Accordingly, there will be a wide array of interests and preferences to consider. This resource available in English and French offers tips for selecting toys and equipment, as well as suggestions for where to purchase quality toys and equipment.

Dual Language Learning or Speech Delay?

When a child in your program is taking longer than expected to speak English, or when a child is non-verbal even in their home language, it’s natural to feel concerned. Referring a child for help may be necessary, but before you do so there are some important things to keep in mind, and some strategies you can try. This tip sheet is available in English and French.

How to Talk to Parents When a Child Needs Extra Support

Newcomer families are experiencing the difficult transition of starting life in a new country after leaving friends, family and their support network behind. As one of the first points of contact, your program’s support is vital to all newcomer families, but this can be especially true when a child needs extra support. Some children come to our programs with a diagnosed special need, while others come into our care with unidentified needs that require additional support. And, sometimes, after spending time observing and interacting with a child, we have concerns about their development that we need to discuss with parents. This tip sheet, available in English and French, will offer strategies on how to talk to parents when their child needs support.

Creating a Positive Play Environment for Infants

There are many things to consider when planning a successful program for newcomer infants. One important aspect is creating the right environment This resource has strategies on how to create an environment that is welcoming and inviting, so both children and families feel more comfortable.

Inclusion: What Does It Mean in Care for Newcomer Children?

In Care for Newcomer Children (CNC), inclusion means that children can attend and benefit from the same program regardless of their diverse abilities. Inclusion removes barriers in order to allow all children—regardless of race, background or special needs—to fully participate. It requires full collaboration between administrators, CNC staff, families and specialists to ensure that the needs of all children are met. Find out more in this tip sheet, available in English and French.

Early Identification of Special Needs is Important!

Parenting a child with special needs is challenging for anyone—let alone for newcomer parents who are juggling the demands of settling in to a new country, learning a new language, attending classes and managing life at home. Find out why early identification is so important in this resource, available in English and French.

Building on Every Child’s Abilities

We all have things that we are good at and challenges that we need to work on. Too often, the strengths and abilities of newcomer children are overlooked or overshadowed by their needs. By focusing on the strengths that newcomer children bring to your program you will encourage the development of healthy self-esteem that will be the foundation for their successful transition to life in Canada. This tip sheet is available in English and French.