Children’s Storybooks that Promote Resilience
Reaching In Reaching Out has a list of English and French storybooks that illustrate resilient thinking and coping in action- and promote cultural competence too! Each book is annotated and categorized by the resiliency abilities it supports.
All About Care for Newcomer Children (CNC) – Multilingual Parent Resource
new and improved version of one of our most popular resources, is now available in over 40 languages and is ready for use in all provinces.
A Parent’s Guide to Gradual Separation – Available in over 40 languages
When parents register their child for Care for Newcomer Children (CNC), many CNC programs that practice gradual separation have been challenged to explain their gradual separation/entry process to parents - especially when there isn’t a shared language. We’ve developed a
multilingual resource for parents that will help!
When Children’s Behaviour is Challenging: Online Tutorial Now Available with Facilitator Guide
Sometimes a child’s behaviour challenges us and forces us to step outside our usual comfort zone. Find out what to do when children’s behaviour is challenging you, common mistakes to avoid, and 7 steps to take when behaviour is challenging in your program. We’ve also developed a Facilitator guide that includes 10 Questions for Group Discussion and Personal Reflection to use with your team, extend your learning and help you identify concrete strategies that you can use in your program.
Let’s get started!
Invisible Wounds: The impact of six years of war on the mental health of Syria’s children
At least three million children under the age of six know nothing but war. For many Syrian children, prolonged exposure to war, stress and uncertainty has left them in a state of “toxic stress.” Some of the immediate impacts of this stress are increased bedwetting, self-harm, suicide attempts and aggressive or withdrawn behaviour. Left untreated the long-term effects may be even greater. Save the Children has completed the largest and most
comprehensive study of Syrian children’s mental health and well-being. This 25-page report documents the impact of war on children and their families and ends with recommendations for creating solutions.
Webinar: Trauma Informed Care for Refugees and Children
What are the effects of trauma on immigrant children? How is mental health screening done? What are some options for helping children who have experienced trauma? Recorded in November 2016,
this webinar discusses issues that children face when exposed to trauma and helps caregivers learn to respond appropriately.
READY-TO-USE PARENT WORKSHOP: Building Resilience in Young Children
Everyone has the capacity for resilience. Building resilience is something we work on throughout our lives, and parents play the biggest role to play in helping their children develop strengths that support resilience. The purpose of this
ready-to-use parent workshop is to provide practical tips and simple messages for parents about how to build resilience from infancy to age 6.
Report: Educational and Mental Health Needs of Syrian Refugee Children
Upon arrival in countries of first asylum, Syrian children have encountered various disruptions and barriers to receiving an adequate education.
This report examines the experiences and resulting educational and mental health needs of Syrian children living as refugees.
Report: Collaboration Improves Access to Early Childhood Education for Refugees
Collaboration among multiple services is essential to effectively serve the range of needs that refugees and immigrant families experience.
This report reveals benefits of and barriers to collaboration, and identifies critical factors and specific strategies for facilitating collaboration between service systems.
Arabic Words Tip Sheet
CMAS has created a helpful
tip sheet of 15 Arabic Words that you can use in your program.