
CNC Research

Research in Canada and globally has shown that Care for Newcomer Children (CNC) is an innovative model for the delivery of early learning and child care (ELCC) for newcomer children and families. Here are some examples of research and lessons learned through CNC.

Care for Newcomer Children (CNC): A Step-by-Step Guide for New Programs

Care for Newcomer Children (CNC): A Step-by-Step Guide for New Programs provides organizations with the information, tools and resources they need to start up and manage a safe and successful CNC program. In it, you will find: - implementation checklists - sample policies and procedures - templates, and - supporting resources CMAS consultants are also always available to help!

Care for Newcomer Children Requirements (CNCR)

How CMAS Makes a Difference: Whitepaper

We have released a whitepaper that discusses How CMAS Makes a Difference in the supporting the care and settlement of newcomer children. Click here to download it.

How CMAS Makes a Difference