
Exploration of the Status of Services for Immigrant Families in Early Childhood Education Programs

Four principles have been identified as having importance when working with immigrant families. In this report, each principle is explored individually in terms of dynamics as well as recommendations for ECE programs currently working with immigrant families.

Newcomer Parents Speak Out On CNC – Unveiling Some Surprising Results!

To better understand how parents feel about the care their children receive, CMAS designed and conducted an evaluation. Read more...

Health and Safety Awareness Training for Ontario Workers and Supervisors

A new regulation will require health and safety awareness training for every worker and supervisor under Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). The regulation comes into force July 1, 2014. Learn more about the regulation, training requirements, and the free suite of training resources.

Manitoba’s Early Learning and Child Care Curriculum Framework

Manitoba is committed to supporting quality in early learning and child care (ELCC) programs. A key component is Early Returns: Manitoba’s Early Learning and Child Care Curriculum Framework for Preschool Centres and Nursery Schools. This curriculum framework supports staff at preschool centres and nursery schools to develop, describe and enhance their curriculum through child-centred care. This framework helps staff design playbased, developmentally appropriate interactions, relationships, environments and experiences to allow all children to develop to their fullest potential.

Understanding Sensory Issues in Young Children: The Importance of Sensory Integration

Watch this video to gain an understanding of sensory integration. This video uses animation to provide information about: the 7 senses, how individuals use sensory information, and possible signs of sensory integration issues. Visit for more information, including a sensory integration checklist useful for checking any possible sensory issues in children.

Does My Child Have A Sensory Issue?

Watch this video to learn about possible signs of sensory integration issues. This video shows an expert panel of health professionals discussing how sensory integration or sensory processing affects children and the real-life stories of parents of children with sensory issues.

Centre on the Developing Child: Science of Early Childhood

A growing body of scientific evidence shows that early influences—whether positive or negative—are critical to the development of children’s brains and their lifelong health. This Centre on the Developing Child series addresses basic concepts of early childhood development, established over decades of neuroscience and behavioral research, which help illustrate why child development—particularly from birth to five years—is a foundation for a prosperous and sustainable society. Watch the videos and find out more here.

Looking for multicultural kids songs and nursery rhymes?

You'll find the lyrics to children's songs from around the world in both English and the original language here!

Best Start: On Track Guide

This guide provides professionals who work with young children and families with some indicators of healthy child development from birth to 6 years of age. It provides information and tools to assist each professional in his observation of the child and encourages professionals to connect children and their families to community resources and, if needed, to appropriate services.

Free multilingual brochures from Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre

Westcoast has developed a number of free multilingual resources available to support the development of quality programs for children and families.