
4 Sensory Snow Activities to Try

In CNC, it's important that we offer opportunities for children to explore and discover their new environment. One of the best ways to do this is through sensory activities that combine playful fun and constructive learning. Here are 4 fun snow projects are sure to get the children excited about winter weather!

What are ACES and how do they relate to toxic stress?

The term “ACEs” is an acronym for Adverse Childhood Experiences. ACEs research shows the correlation between early adversity and poor outcomes later in life. Toxic stress explains how ACEs can trigger biological reactions that lead to those outcomes. The Harvard Centre on the Developing Child has developed a simple infographic that explains...

Promoting Healthy Attachments with Children

Attachment facilitates the development of emotional regulation, social skills, and empathy. It plays an important role in children’s overall development and learning. Early childhood educators are consistently learning and creating opportunities to build healthy attachments with the children in their care and supporting families in their own attachment with their children.

Webinar: How to Effectively Teach Social-Emotional Skills to Children Who Exhibit Challenging Behaviour

It’s easy to become focused on trying to stop unwanted behaviour when young children are using aggression to try and get their wants and needs met. This can also be true when they are not following directions or we feel they are being disrespectful in some way. Yet, in addition to stopping the behaviour we also need to teach them what do instead! Challenging behaviour signals that the child needs support to develop their social-emotional skills. Learn about the importance of focusing on social-emotional learning and discuss practical strategies that use to proactively teach children the necessary social-emotional skills!

Why Observe Children at Play?

When we observe children at play, it helps us better understand the strengths and needs of each individual child. It also helps us understand each child's knowledge, skills, and interests, how they are learning and how we can further their learning and development.

What makes a good early learning environment?

The first step in creating an appropriate environment for infants, toddlers, and preschool children is to examine how young children learn and develop. Each stage of development has unique characteristics that influence how a child will experience his or her environment. Here are some things to consider when designing your CNC space.

What is Scaffolding in Early Childhood Education?

Put simply, scaffolding is the act of an educator or parent adjusting their support techniques to suit an individual child at a developmentally appropriate level. Most people who work with young children use a form of scaffolding each and every day without knowing it as we support our children and students in learning new ideas and skills.

Voices Of Children Documentary

In this small film with a big heart, we meet young children from communities around the globe, bringing us a glimpse of their extraordinary diversity. Children from five diverse countries draw us into their worlds through their many voices. Behind their experiences lie messages, both universal and informed by place, time, and culture. The children share their ideas, hopes, challenges, and capacity as they talk, sing, work, dance, and play!

Children take longer to learn two languages at once compared to just one — don’t fret

Some bilingual children from immigrant families develop each language at a slower pace because their learning is spread across two languages. This research shows strong evidence that the rate of language growth is influenced by the number of languages a child is learning - which challenges the belief that children are linguistic sponges who quickly absorb the language or languages they hear and become proficient speakers of both languages!

Do you have plants in your program?

About Kids Health has put together an overview of plant safety and and a helpful list of poisonous plants to avoid.