
Webinar: Moving Beyond Multicultural Education- Promoting Equity in Early Childhood Education

This inspiring webinar is designed to create a shift in how early childhood professionals view and address educational equity in early childhood settings. The session will help you learn about implicit racial bias and its role in managing behaviour, learning experiences, and relationships. Participants will leave the webinar with a better understanding of the inequities and barriers as well as practices that promote more equitable learning experiences for all children.

New CMAS Online Course: Understanding Child Abuse and Your Duty to Report

Canada takes the protection of children very seriously. Each year thousands of children are subjected to abuse while in the care of their families. All of us who work with families need to understand our duty to report and role in protecting children. This includes knowing how to identify different types and indicators of abuse, cultural considerations, and steps to report and document suspected abuse–as well as strategies to support staff, parents, and children after a report has been made. All CNC program staff and administrators are encouraged to take our new interactive ecourse Understanding Child Abuse and Your Duty to Report.

Parenting Tips for Canadian Immigrants

Canadian Immigrant has compiled almost 100 articles and tips on parenting and raising children in Canada. From school to health to child development, these tips and strategies are helpful for all of the newcomer parents in your CNC program!

5 Tips for Reading to Active Toddlers

It can be challenging to fit story time in when you have a group of active toddlers who have a low tolerance for sitting still, so here are 5 tips and strategies for making story time less stressful!

20 Ways to Keep a Peaceful Program

There may not be a magic recipe for a peaceful CNC program, but there are lots of things that we can do to keep our programs calm and welcoming each day. Here are 20 brilliant tips for keeping a peaceful program from the experts at HiMama. Which ones will you try next in your class?

Playful Tubs and Trays for Toddlers

It can be a challenge setting up activities for toddler play – so when planning for toddler play, it's often best to keep it simple. Here's a collection of ideas for trays and baskets of all shapes and sizes that will simplify setup, interaction and clean up in your toddler program!

Surviving Cold & Flu Season

Cold & flu season generally occurs during the colder months of the year, between approximately October and May, making it less of a ‘season’ and something that needs to be top-of-mind for most of the year. While it is impossible to stop people from getting sick, it is possible to mitigate the risk and prevent germs from spreading.

Myth vs. Fact: Bilingual Language Development

There are still plenty of misconceptions when it comes to language learning in bilingual children. Here's a simple infographic that was created to help dispel myths and encourage practices that promote multilingualism - and it's free to download, print and post in your program!

Why is observation, documentation and reflection important in infant care?

Observation, documentation, and reflection are important skills for any quality infant and toddler care. Developing these skills can help educators get to know children better, make informed decisions, share observations with parents, encourage children's development, competence and success, find ways to improve routines, and more...

Free Educational Posters for Food Allergy Awareness

To help you with food allergy awareness and education efforts in CNC, Allergic Living has developed this series of free 8.5 x 11-inch posters that can be customized to meet the needs of your program. Click a poster’s image to download it.