
49 Fun Preschool Physical Activity Ideas

Children don’t just need a lot of movement, they also need a lot of variety of movement! So here's a list of 49 fun physical activities ideas that will help preschoolers get active and develop skills in a variety of ways.

CMAS Webinar: How the Environment You Create Affects a Child’s Behaviour

In this new CMAS webinar, Ann Hutchings discusses how the environment you create affects children's behaviour. She also shares lots of inspiring ideas for child-centred spaces that encourage creativity, learning and development!

31 Children’s books to support conversations on race, racism and resistance

Research from Harvard University suggests that children as young as three years old, when exposed to racism and prejudice, tend to embrace and accept it, even though they might not understand the feelings. By age 5, white children are strongly biased towards whiteness. To counter this bias, experts recommend acknowledging and naming race and racism with children as early and as often as possible. Children’s books are one of the most effective and practical tools for initiating critical conversations about racism; and they can also be used to model what it means to resist and dismantle oppression.

Words That Help With Worries

Our words can hurt or our words can help. When kids worry, give them language to change their situations and outlooks, and to help keep worries at bay. Here's a list of words that can help children get past their worries.

Podcast: Avoiding Challenging Behaviour Through Movement and Play

In this Preschool and Beyond podcast Rae Pica discusses why children need to move and play, and the positive effects they have on learning and behavior.

CMAS Webinar- Communication: Looking Through the Lens of Behaviour

In this new CMAS webinar, Shanda Burnett discusses how behaviour and communication are linked. She also explains the importance of relationships and observation, and how an ABC chart can help us understand the function of behaviour in our programs.

How does COVID-19 Relate to Child Development?

Centre on the Developing Child has developed a helpful infographic that explains COVID-19 and how it relates to child development. They've also compiled a variety of resources on stress, resilience, and responding to the coronovirus.

CMAS Webinar: Successful Transitions and Routines

In this new CMAS webinar, Kim Faber discusses why it's so important for transitions and routines to feel natural and flexible. She also talks about how consistent routines can help children feel safe, secure and confident - and how they help your whole program run smoothly!

The Ultimate List of Fun Picture Books

This article is written for parents, but it includes a fun list of 48 engaging picture books that are always a hit at storytime!

CMAS Webinar: Engaging Children’s Senses Through Play

In this CMAS webinar, Jackie Cunningham discusses the importance of sensory play and how you can incorporate it into different areas of your programming.