
Are you using Zoom to connect with children and families?

COVID-19 is forcing everyone to change how they function, and CNC is no exception. If your program is using Zoom to offer online sessions for families during the pandemic, here are two articles with some tips and tricks that might help: How to use Zoom as an early childhood educator and How to Do Zoom Sessions for Little Tiny Squirmy Kids

Multilingual stories for children

StoryWeaver and Reads have lovely digital collections of multilingual stories for you to share!

Six Key Elements of Meaningful Play

Play supports the development of the whole child, including cognitive, social, physical, and emotional skills. So it's important to actively protect and encourage playtime for children - and to understand the key elements that can help you better foster quality play.

Webinar: Diversity & Inclusion In Early Childhood

This webinar offers activity suggestions, books, songs, and practical tips to create a diverse and inclusive early years classroom. Participants will discuss race, gender and ability, the importance of knowing personal biases and promoting inclusion, as well as how to include parents in the conversation!

20 Developmentally-Appropriate Activities for 6-9 Month Olds

Play is a powerful part of childhood development, and there are so many important developmental milestones during infancy. But it can sometimes be difficult to come up with ways to play with babies. Here are some play ideas for 6-9 month olds.

New Special Needs Tutorial Series: How to Write an IPP

Have you ever wondered about how an Individual Program Plan (IPP) works? Do you know how to write long- and short-term goals? The first tutorial in the two-part special needs series provides a step-by-step guide to writing an IPP, and an opportunity for CNC staff to learn about the different parts of an IPP, why they’re important, and how they work together to support a child. The second tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to writing an IPP – including long- and short-term goals that really support their programming and provide a clear direction for helping a child and family! Resources, references, a facilitator guide, and group discussion questions are also available for each tutorial in the learning centre.

Choosing your words carefully…

Changing the way we speak to children is the first step in changing behaviour. When we teach children what to do instead of telling them what NOT to do, behaviour changes and relationships grow. Here's a list of common phrases used with children - along with suggestions for alternatives!

WEBINAR: Unpacking the Pyramid Model – A Practical Guide to Social Emotional Learning

In this powerful webinar, experts share their insights about the important relationship between social emotional skills and cognitive development. The session focuses on the Pyramid Model as a framework for promoting social emotional competence and preventing challenging behavior. Participants will also learn strategies and targeted intervention for children who need additional support in the development of self-regulation, friendship skills, emotional literacy, and problem-solving.

WEBINAR: Virtual Learning and Loose Parts to Create Meaning for Young Children

In this webinar, participants will discuss creative ways to design, develop and deliver useful and engaging virtual education for young children based on integrating loose parts (ordinary objects from home) to promote active play. We will also talk about ideas to limit screen time, and instead create a virtual balanced schedule that promotes equity.

12 Indigenous Picture Books To Add To Your Collection

Diversity in children’s literature is important for two big reasons. First, children need to see themselves in books, and second, children need to see others in books. And in Canada, both aspects are important when it comes to Indigenous picture books. We need to teach all our children the history of our First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples but also have their faces and voices regularly included in our literature, along with those of the many other backgrounds that make up our country. With that in mind, here are 12 wonderful picture books to add to your collection.