
Have some soccer fun during FIFA World Cup!

The FIFA World Cup is one of the world’s most widely watched sporting events, with countries around the world participating. So it's a great time to have some soccer fun with the children in your programJust about any sport or physical activity will help to develop physical literacy and good movement skills. However, if you had to pick one sport that developed the most skills and capacities for little ones, it would have to be soccer.

Have you tried making your own games?

During the pandemic, the CNC team at Ottawa-Carleton District School Board’s Bayshore site put their heads together to come up with creative ways to re-purpose cardboard delivery boxes. They used their extra time to save money and have some fun making everything from race tracks to carnival-style games for their program. Many of their creations were even laminated for quick disinfection! Click here to learn more.

200+ activities you can do with kids at home

Children have been home a lot over the last few years. Here's an epic list of over 200 full of play ideas that you can share with parents: games to keep their minds and bodies moving!

What is high-quality childcare?

Besides the obvious reasons, research shows that high-quality childcare is associated with an incredible variety of benefits for children of all ages. In short, quality care really matters! The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development recently did a comprehensive study on what makes quality care, and here's a summary of what they found.

7 Strategies to Support Children’s Emotional Development

Did you know that every person has five emotional needs that must be met before they can be in a position to learn and grow? As an educator, it's important to set children up for success. In order to do this, you need to consider... what are things that trigger you or your children in the classroom? Children’s behavior gives us information that helps us understand how they are feeling - and there is a difference between reacting and responding! Here are 7 tips that can help!

Have you tried the Active for Life Build Your Own Lesson Plan tool?

Do you want to build more physical activity into your CNC programming? You can use this Lesson Plan Builder to create custom lesson plans. Simply start by choosing your desired age range, and then click the skills you want to develop and the activities you want to use. When you are finished with your selections, you'll have a lesson plan that you can print out with a simple click of a button!

WEBINAR: Culture and Challenging Behaviour

Like the children in our care, every educator is different. We come from different contexts and cultures, and everything we think, say, and do is processed through the filter of our own culture. Culture influences our values, beliefs, gender roles, family structures, language, and even our teaching styles. The ability to understand and celebrate differences is more important now than ever. In this webinar, Barbara Kaiser will talk about the importance of cross-cultural competence, and explore the dynamics of culture in shaping educators’ expectations and children’s behaviour.

Gratitude activity for kids: Make a South African Ubuntu Collage!

Ubuntu is an important idea in South Africa. The word comes from the Zulu language and refers to the bond that connects all people. It is often translated as, “I am because we are.” The practice of Ubuntu means caring about the needs of others by being kind, helpful and generous, and it’s a lovely reminder of how connected we all are. An Ubuntu collage can be a wonderful gratitude activity for kids!

WEBINAR – Big Conversations with Young Children: Discussing Questions, Worries, and Fears

In our work with young children, we sometimes encounter unexpected—and hard-to-answer—questions. This edWebinar addresses the big adult questions children sometimes ask that may cause us to pause, silence the child, or deflect the concern. The webinar guides participants so that they can be prepared to answer difficult questions respectfully and in ways that are developmentally appropriate for even the youngest children. 

Introduction to Positive Discipline – Available in 7 Languages

The Introduction to Positive Discipline tips sheets, video, and facilitation guide are part of the Family Life in Canada resource series. The goal of this series is to help newcomers adjust to life in Canada and encourage them to access information, programs, and services in their community. All you have to do is sign up to get access to the free resources that are available in 7 languages - making them easy to use with the newcomer families you work with!