
Caring for a child with special needs: Strategies for newcomer families

Learning that your child is born with a chronic illness or has special needs can be devastating for all families. But it can be isolating and extremely challenging for newcomer families as they navigate an unfamiliar healthcare system, without their traditional sources of community support. The terminology, diagnosis, treatment options, hospital visits and assessment or therapy appointments can be overwhelming in a new country. Language and cultural barriers may also lead to limited involvement and contribution to decision making leading to helplessness and sometimes a lack of trust in health professionals. Remember, you are not alone and can find the support you need. To help navigate this situation in a new country and manage the family’s well-being, here are a few strategies that can be shared with families.

VIDEO: How Early Childhood Experiences Affect Lifelong Health and Learning

How is ongoing, severe stress and adversity in early childhood connected to chronic disease in adults? And, what can we do about it? In this animated video, learn what the latest science tells us about how early experiences affect not only early learning and school readiness, but also lifelong health. Challenge yourself to think about how we can address the sources of these problems. And, consider how integrating primary care into every aspect of early childhood programming may be an important part of the solution.

29 Fun Games to Play in the Snow

Kids love to play in fresh snow. Building a snowman can be fun, but there are so many other activities kids can do to have fun and keep moving once winter comes along. From sledding to snowball fights, catching snowflakes and making snow angels, wintertime affords the whole family so many options and so much fun. Here is a list of fun games that you can share with parents to encourage some family fun in the snow this year!

Video and Posters: Easy Habits for Managing Kids’ Screen Time

Too much screen time hurts kids. It keeps them from active play and it causes them anxiety, depression and other problems. Yet trying to “control” screen time can be a real challenge. Here's a quick, 1-minute video and printable posters to share with parents!

Developmental delays and Autism in the Early Years

Children with autism and developmental disabilities benefit from increased visual aids and structure. It is so important to have a schedule in their classroom and home environment to minimize distractions. This article is a great place to start for more information about developmental delays and autism in the early years, and ideas for how you can help set children up for success in your program and at home.

Brain-Building Through Play: Activities for Infants, Toddlers and Children

From infancy on, play is an important part of a child’s life. Through games and playful activities, children can practice and strengthen important skills that will help them throughout their lives, including learning to focus their attention, strengthening their working memory, and developing basic self-control. This series of handouts provide suggestions for games and play-based activities based on a child’s age, so they are perfect for inspiring educators and sharing with parents!

Podcast: The Magic of Loose Parts

Whether you’re an experienced ECE or new to the field, this podcast takes what we know about loose parts to the next level. Listen in to learn more about loose parts, how to get started, personal mindset and reflection, and so much more!

How to partner with parents of children with Autism

CNC programs care for diverse groups of children, including those with ASD. ASD stands for Autism Spectrum Disorder, and there is a wide range of characteristics when it comes to diagnoses. Some children will function on a level where there are little to no noticeable behaviors whereas some will need one on one support. No matter where the child fits on the spectrum, here are some ways you can partner with parents and be sure that you are prepared and welcoming to any and all children in your program.

Ideas to share with parents: Activities for kids during winter break

Winter holidays are coming, and children will be out of school for two weeks! Some will travel abroad with their family, while many others will stay at home. No matter where they are, here are a few ideas to share with parents to help keep their children active and engaged during the upcoming winter holidays.

Try some holiday fun physical activities!

Active for Life has fun list of holiday activity ideas for families that are always popular this time of year.