
Newcomer Parents Speak Out On CNC – Unveiling Some Surprising Results!

To better understand how parents feel about the care their children receive, CMAS designed and conducted an evaluation. Read more...

Understanding Sensory Issues in Young Children: The Importance of Sensory Integration

Watch this video to gain an understanding of sensory integration. This video uses animation to provide information about: the 7 senses, how individuals use sensory information, and possible signs of sensory integration issues. Visit for more information, including a sensory integration checklist useful for checking any possible sensory issues in children.

Does My Child Have A Sensory Issue?

Watch this video to learn about possible signs of sensory integration issues. This video shows an expert panel of health professionals discussing how sensory integration or sensory processing affects children and the real-life stories of parents of children with sensory issues.

Immunization Information For Parents

Parents Guide to Immunization Immunization Schedule Creator  

Winter Safety: Advice for parents and kids

Winter is a great season for outdoor activities, such as sledding and skating. Cold weather, ice, and snow can be both fun and dangerous for children. Share these tips to help newcomer parents and children enjoy winter activities safely.

For Newcomer Parents with Teens

Most families leaving their home country and starting life in a new country feel sadness and grief mixed with a sense of hope and excitement about the future. When families work together, they can support each other and achieve more than if they just work alone.

Growing Up in a New Land – A Guide for Newcomer Parents

The Best Start Resource Centre has announced the publication of a new booklet for parents of children 0-6 titled Growing Up in a New Land - A Guide for Newcomer Parents. This booklet contains information on: support for parents, parenting in Canada, keeping your child healthy and safe, taking care of yourself as parents and additional services for newcomer parents. Paper copies of the booklet can also be ordered at $1.25 each.

Do you know immigrant parents who are looking for information about education in Ontario?

People for Education have tip sheets available in 15 languages to help parents understand the school system and how they can help their child succeed.

Free Webinar: Managing Allergies this School Season

It’s important for children with Anaphylaxis, and those who care for them, to be aware of how to safely manage allergies. Food Allergy Canada has developed the following resources to help families, teachers and caregivers with back-to-school preparations:

Parent Guide to Immunization