
211 is your connection to information and services

Pass it along to your clients... 211 is Canada's telephone help line (2-1-1) and website - a gateway to community, social, non-clinical health and related government services. 211 helps to navigate the complex network of human services quickly and easily, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in over 100 languages!

“New In Canada” Parenting Support Series – Brochures

There are many challenges facing parents in keeping their children safe. Multilingual New In Canada Parenting Support Brochures are now available online and ready for printing! Read More

ConnectABILITY – Special needs resources for parents and caregivers

Developed by Community Living Toronto, ConnectABILITY is a site full of helpful tips, tools and resources for parents and caregivers of children with special needs.

How does being bilingual benefit children?

In the era of globalization, learning a second language during childhood can provide developmental and social benefits. This topic aims to further understanding of the impacts of bilingualism on children’s cognitive development and suggests the most favourable learning contexts. Read more.

Sleep Well, Sleep Safe

This booklet is for parents and caregivers of infants from 0-12 months. It provides information on healthy sleep tips for infants and parents, how to reduce the risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep related causes of infant death. Available in English and French.

Healthy Families BC: Pregnancy and Parenting

Healthy Families BC has helpful tips and tools for parents with babies and toddlers. The website covers all areas of social, emotional and physical development, as well as building healthy relationships and positive parenting.

Measles and Vaccination: Information to share with parents

With the recent measles outbreak, it’s a good opportunity to review policies and procedures to ensure that you are meeting requirements and following public health expectations. Some things to consider: • Do you continue to provide information to parents about immunization? • Do you understand public health expectations for documenting children’s immunization and developing an exclusion plan? Canada Public Health has information on the measles and a parent's guide to immunization. HealthLinkBC also has multilingual information about vaccination that you can share with parents. Contact your local public health office for more information.

Newcomer Parents Share the Challenges they Face

Even though CNC is only in its second year of operation, CMAS wanted to hear from newcomer parents and get a deeper understanding of the challenges they face. How were they coping after migrating to a new country with young children? Were the CNC services helping? Read more...

Keep Your First Language – Multilingual Resource for Parents!

Children need to learn their first language well. Research shows that learning more than one language in early childhood can really help. Keep Your First Language is available in 8 languages! You can also find other useful Vancouver Coastal Health resources here!

Child Assessment and Diagnosis in Winnipeg

The Child Development Clinic (CDC) in Winnipeg provides assessment and referral support for preschool aged children who have a developmental, behaviour or physical disability. Find out more about what parents can do if they have a concern, and what will happen after a diagnosis here.