
Make Bedtime Better: The Sleep Guide for Parents

Many families struggle with bedtime routines and helping children develop healthy sleeping patterns. This guide is full of information about all things related to children's sleep. The topics have been broken down into useful sections to make it easy to find the information and you're looking for.

Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years (0-4 years)

As young children grow and develop they need to move, sleep and sit the right amounts each day to be healthy - and this simple visual helps us to understand just how much moving, sleeping and sitting children of different ages need each day!

How social-emotional learning helps children with anxiety

Giving kids a solid foundation of mental wellness at a young age seems to fend off more serious problems later. Early childhood programs that use social-emotional learning (SEL) — an approach to teaching children that helps them understand and manage their emotions — may help build mental wellness. And safe, positive environments and interactions are key!

Infographic: Understanding Stress Behaviour

Do you know the difference between misbehaviour and stress behaviour?  The Mehrit Centre has developed this infographic to explain what stress behaviour is, signs to watch for and tips for helping children.

NEW! Eat Right Be Active Booklets

We all want children to grow up healthy and feeling great- and these booklets can help! They are full of everyday ideas that busy parents and caregivers can put into action so toddlers, preschoolers, and school-agers can eat well and be active.

20 Strategies for Building Resilience in Children (Backed by Science)

This article succinctly describes 20 practical and powerful strategies for promoting resilience in your program.

RIRO Resiliency Guidebook

This guidebook is for child-serving professionals and parents. It aims to increase awareness of the importance of promoting resilience through caring relationships and adult modelling of resilient thinking and coping strategies.

30 Games and Activities for Self-Regulation

These 30 games and activities support planning and problem solving, memory, attention, motor control and sequencing. They’re a great way to introduce self-regulation strategies to kids!

Children’s Storybooks that Promote Resilience

Reaching In Reaching Out has a list of English and French storybooks that illustrate resilient thinking and coping in action- and promote cultural competence too!  Each book is annotated and categorized by the resiliency abilities it supports.

Why Kids Should Play Outdoors in Winter

In winter and cold weather children’s play is often limited to the indoors. Adult fears about safety and negative attitudes toward exposure to cold weather are the barriers that prevent children from accessing play in winter months, but it's up to adults to focus on the importance of children’s play, regardless of the season. After all, play should not be restricted to warm weather. Let’s welcome winter with a playful attitude.