
Summer Safety

With summer fast approaching, here are some important reminders for keeping children safe during the hot summer months, while promoting the healthy benefits of outdoor play!

Encouraging School Readiness Skills in Preschoolers

The early years are a time when we can help children develop the tools they need to succeed before heading to formal K-12 schooling. Developing these school readiness skills help prepare children for optimal learning throughout their educational journey. This article takes a closer look at some of the school readiness skills that children can work on before they head off to kindergarten!

200+ activities ideas you can do at home with kids

Many programs across the country are closed in order to slow the spread of COVID-19, and kids are staying home due to the pandemic. Thankfully, learning doesn’t only happen in classrooms. Even while social distancing or self-isolating, children can keep on learning through play, using active games to keep them moving and learning at home. Here is a helpful article and list of over 200 activities ideas you can share with families to help them stay active at home!

Fine Motor Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers

We all know that fine motor skills are important, but are we making sure our curriculum integrates them enough into our early childhood activities? They are not just helpful for writing, but they are essential for everyday activities like feeding, dressing, and other hygiene activities.

Here is some fine motor fun you can implement into your curriculum or home to strengthen those muscles that control your child’s hands, fingers, and thumbs.

Podcast: Improving Children’s Attention Spans Through Play

In this episode of The Preschool Podcast, you'll learn about children’s attention spans, and how educators and parents can foster learning and regulated attention through intentional play.

How can we help kids develop physical literacy?

To be healthy, children need to move and be physically active. And it’s much more than physical health that comes with being active! Children who move are healthier, happier, and more successful in life. In our digital world, it can be challenging, but here's a simple "recipe" for getting kids moving every day!

Paint Your Plate: A Toolkit for Encouraging Healthy Eating in CNC

Early learning settings are a great place to encourage children to eat more vegetables and fruit. Here's a toolkit and practical guide full of information about menu planning, healthy eating, supporting families, recipes and more!

Extending Block Play for Early Learning

There is absolutely no wrong or right way to play with blocks! Every child is unique in the way that they choose to approach materials and blocks can be such a valuable tool to encourage open ended play and learning. This mini guide provides ideas and inspiration for block play, and even has a suggested block play materials list.

We Have the Moves: Physical Activity Resource

Inside this resource, you’ll find fun-filled activities to help incorporate physical activity into everyday moments. Whatever activities you choose, have fun together! Let children see you jumping, dancing, and being silly. The more they see you moving, the more they will want to join in. These moments will help lay the foundation for an active and healthy lifestyle.

Newcomer Nutrition Education Toolkit

To support program providers and health professionals who work with newcomers to Canada, Alberta Health Services has put together this helpful collection of nutrition videos and resources for people with basic English literacy and diverse cultural backgrounds. Topics include food safety, starting solids, healthy snacks for children, and more!