
Family Literacy Day 2024: Let’s Have a Family Party!

Family Literacy Day takes place every January 27th. The theme this year is “Let's Have a Family Party!”. You can check out ABC Life Literacy Canada’s website, join the celebration virtually, find community events, and download free resources to share with parents!

The CMAS Play Across Cultures Tutorial is Now Available in French!

Children from different cultures engage in play differently. This makes sense because there are differences in language, context, and social norms in different cultures – and these are all reflected in children’s play! In the Play Across Cultures tutorial, participants will have the chance to reflect on how play is different across cultures, and how we can encourage and foster all kinds of play variations in our CNC programs... and now it's available in French!

Helping Newcomer Parents Understand the Canadian School Schedule During the Winter

As many immigrants to Canada come from countries with education systems that are different than what their children will encounter here, it is unlikely that they will be familiar with how schools in this country handle extreme/inclement weather situations that can impact their family. Here's an article you can share with parents to help them understand how the public school system operates in Canada during the coldest months.

Anti-Bias Celebrations: Webinar Recording

Let's explore how and what families celebrate helps children learn about themselves, their community and the world around them. We're often questioning, "How can we celebrate holiday events that are important to children and families in a respectful way?" It’s our approach and implementation of these practices that make a difference, so let’s chat about it! Join CMAS special guest, Tina Geers in this webinar to discuss different ways that educators have embraced an anti-biased approach to holidays. We'll also talk about what has worked for them and what they have learned from their mistakes. It’s a journey of learning that we can take together!

NEW! LET’S PLAY: House Activity Ideas

Playing house gives children plenty of opportunities to explore different roles, practice problem-solving, and act out feelings that they might not yet be able to express in words. A team of CNC staff put their heads together and came up with over 140 house activity ideas and play extensions to build on this interest.

New Year’s Resolution: Be Present for the Children in Our Lives

We all get distracted and, at times, bogged down by the hustle and bustle of life and the obligations we must fulfill. However, a harried and stressed life can take a toll on our littlest family members and learners–during a time of critical brain development. As we head into 2024 and reflect on areas in our lives where we can improve or bring more joy and satisfaction, we should consider that we can be more present, responsive and calm for the children in our lives–through actionable steps. Here are 6 things we can do to become more available to children even in the midst of our own struggles.

FREE Kindness Calendar

When we practice skills like kindness, empathy, inclusion, gratitude, and mindfulness with children from an early age, it can set the stage for their daily interactions with the world around them – how they treat others as well as how they take care of themselves. Now, you can download a free Kindness Calendar that includes daily questions, activities, and book recommendations to help children explore what it means to be a kind, inclusive, and empathetic friend.

WEBINAR: Treating Anaphylaxis and What You Need to Know About Benedryl

In this webinar, participants learn the importance of using epinephrine to treat anaphylaxis, when antihistamines might be given, and what the safety concerns are with first-generation antihistamines, like Benadryl®.

Canadian Child Care Sector News & Updates Have Been Added This Month!

With universal child care, ECEs in Kindergarten classrooms, and advocates calling for an ECE salary scale across the country, the landscape of child care in Canada is changing. In response to questions from CNC administrators and program staff about how these changes might impact CNC, we've put together a list of articles and information to keep you up-to-date and informed. Over the coming months, we'll do our best to add to this list with news and updates from the sector.

How to Support Children During Conflict and Crisis Situations

Do you have any families that are struggling through a crisis or traumatic experience? When we find ourselves faced with the unthinkable, having the right words to say to children can feel like an impossibility. Here is some advice for parents who are navigating difficult times, from child psychology and mental health expert Dr. Marcia Brophy.