
Looking for resources to support English as an Additional Language (EAL) learners?

This collection of EAL teaching and learning resources includes worksheets & activity sheets for teachers, professionals and parents to support them in effectively communicating and helping children learn English as an Additional Language.

Podcast: Improving Children’s Attention Spans Through Play

In this episode of The Preschool Podcast, you'll learn about children’s attention spans, and how educators and parents can foster learning and regulated attention through intentional play.

Supporting Parents and Caregivers with Trauma Histories during COVID-19

COVID IMAGEA new Child Trends brief outlines strategies that can be used during the pandemic to support parents who have experienced trauma. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, caregivers have faced many challenges, including unemployment and benefits cuts, loss of child care, and the need to supervise virtual learning. Research shows that chronic stress and hardship can negatively affect parents’ and caregivers’ ability to support and nurture their children, and these effects are even greater for parents who have a history of trauma.

The ABC’s of Racial Literacy

All kids need a strong individual and group identity, but racism hurts the healthy development of both. Racism hurts our entire society. Sesame Street in Communities has resources to help develop children’s understanding, curiosity, resilience, and empathy—and to prepare for the task of building a better world by standing up, standing tall, and standing together.

How can we help kids develop physical literacy?

To be healthy, children need to move and be physically active. And it’s much more than physical health that comes with being active! Children who move are healthier, happier, and more successful in life. In our digital world, it can be challenging, but here's a simple "recipe" for getting kids moving every day!

Podcast: Working with Children with Developmental Delays and Autism

In this podcast, HiMama chats with Dr. Cara Goodwin about the different ways educators and parents can not only support children with developmental delays and autism but how to recognize the signs early. Dr. Goodwin mentions that early intervention is the most effective thing we can do to help children reach their highest potential, and why it’s important to take action quickly to help support these children!

The Importance of Promoting Diversity in Early Childhood Programs

The concept of diversity takes various forms and is incorporated into many aspects of our life. From religion, gender, culture, family structures, and physical abilities, we are each brought into this world made up of many differences. For years it was thought that children would automatically form positive outlooks about differences, but research has shown that advocating and exposing children to diversity requires active promotion!

Free Weekly Exchange Resources

Since 1978, Exchange Press has promoted the exchange of ideas among leaders in early childhood programs worldwide through Exchange magazine, books, and training resources. To support early childhood professionals worldwide in their efforts to craft early childhood environments where adults and children thrive, they are offering a weekly free resource. Sign up here to receive a thoughtfully selected Exchange Press resource each Wednesday. Resources will include: magazine articles, video content from Ed.Flicks Training Videos on Demand, book segments, and so much more!

HiMama Helps Webinar: COVID-19 Vaccines and Child Care Policies

Covid-19In this webinar, participants join law and virology experts to hear about how the vaccine works and how to create vaccine policies for their programs. They'll also have a chance to ask questions and learn more about keeping their CNC program safe!

NEW CMAS WEBINAR: Learning As We Go – Literacy Strategies to Support Young Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID IMAGEBookmates joins us for this important webinar to talk about early literacy resources, tools and strategies that support early learning during challenging times such as we are currently experiencing with the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s an opportunity for participants to hear about; possible long term repercussions of physical distancing on preschool development, evidence based research on increased anxiety/frustration, sedentary behaviours and screen time our early years population may be experiencing, the importance of relationships in a socially distant world, and literacy strategies and children's books designed to mitigate some of the challenges facing children in 2021 and beyond.