Developing Physical Literacy in Children

How do you help a child develop skills in physical activity? What can you do to increase their motivation, competency and confidence in this area? Like most other areas of development, physical literacy is fostered by setting up a rich, stimulating environment indoors and outdoors and being an active role model. This site will teach you how to help children develop physical literacy through active play.

Canada 150: Activity Ideas for Programs

Join the Canada 150 Play List to help celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday. Here is the ultimate list of physical activities to get you moving – 150 sports and pursuits that define the Canadian land and people, from sledge hockey to lacrosse to snow shoveling and more. Get out there, try as many as you can, and track your activities online to earn points and a chance to win prizes!

Webinar: New Guidelines for Introducing Peanuts to Babies

According to the latest research, early exposure to peanut products can dramatically reduce a baby’s chance of becoming allergic. In response to this research there are new guidelines on introducing peanuts to babies. To help you understand the new guidelines Food Allergy Canada hosted a webinar with Dr. Julia Upton: New Guidelines for Introducing Peanut to Babies: What do they mean?

National Aboriginal Day

Learn more about National Aboriginal Day and find ideas for celebrating!

June 1 is Global Day of Parents

Proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012, this day is meant to honour parents around the world. It is an opportunity for us to appreciate parents in all parts of the world for their selfless commitment to children. It acknowledges that the family has the primary responsibility for the nurturing and protection of children, as well as for providing children with an environment of happiness, love and understanding. To help celebrate, Universal Peace Federation has some resources. There is a lesson plan based on the Korean folk tale, Shimchong; a lesson plan and student text on The Family as the School of Love; plus movie ideas for families and children to watch and discuss.

Top 25 ECE blogs from HiMama

Looking for craft ideas or physical and fine motor activities? Check out these blogs which were selected as the favourites of early childhood educators for 2017.

Children’s Festivals

It’s the time of year when many communities host festivals geared specifically to children.
Here are some cities hosting International Children’s Festivals this year:
- Vancouver May 29-June 4
- Winnipeg June 8-11
- Ottawa May 10-14
- Surrey May 25-27

May 15 is International Day of Families

International Day of Families is celebrated at the United Nations headquarters and around the world. It’s a day that is dedicated to reminding us of the important role that families play in society. This year, the theme of families, education and well-being, serves to: • promote the education and overall well-being of families and all their members; • raise awareness of the role of the family in promoting early childhood education and lifelong learning opportunities for children and youth; and • highlight the key role of caregivers and the importance of parental education to the welfare of the child.

Health Canada wants your feedback

New restrictions are coming on playpens and their accessories. If you have thoughts to share on the issue, the government is accepting feedback up until June 6.

Helping Newcomers Prepare for Emergencies

What can you do to help newcomer families during Emergency Preparedness Week? Like all families, newcomer families need help in understanding and preparing for emergencies they may face in their new communities. The week of May 2 -7, 2017 is dedicated to helping all families in Canada be prepared. Take a look and see all that is available to share with the newcomer families in your community.