Manitoba Child Care Association’s Directors Conference

Participants will learn strategies for managing organizational conflict, communicating effectively, and providing feedback. They will also have an opportunity to discuss employee engagement and reflect on the importance of letting staff know that they are valued. Find out more and register now!

Helping Children Build Emotional Literacy

Children are sensitive to the world around them. Depending on situations at home or in the community, they may arrive at your program each day feeling a range of emotions—including angry, anxious or sad. These emotional states aren’t effective for learning. In this four-minute video from the Teaching Channel you’ll learn techniques used by educators to help children identify their mood, calm their body and change their state of mind.

The ABC model can help you react differently to adversity

Why do people respond to adversity so differently? This short video from Reaching IN… Reaching OUT shows that our belief about the situation drives our reaction more than the adversity itself. Learning the simple ABC model can help you respond to difficult situations in a way that causes you less stress.

Fostering Attachment in the Child Care Setting for Infants and Toddlers

It takes time for care providers to learn the cues of the babies in their care. Likewise, babies need to get to know and understand their care providers. This cannot happen if the baby has too many adults in his or her day or if he or she moves to a new classroom every few months. Early childhood researchers suggest that infants and toddlers should spend their first three years in consistent care to allow secure attachments to develop. This article from Early Childhood News will help you to learn a multitude of techniques that help build attachment and security for infants in your care.

Podcast: The Science behind Language Development

Does your circle time seem more like a test than an opportunity to enrich learning? In this podcast Karen Nemeth, an advocate for early childhood education and author on the topic of language development, explores childhood language development and the importance of engaging children in conversations. You’ll learn about the science of language development and what it should look like in the classroom. You’ll also come away with ideas for moving your circle time from a question and answer format to a real conversation with kids.

E-Symposium: Parenting in a New Country – July 11

This e-Symposium will look at parenting from a newcomer perspective and discuss various settlement supports that influence parenting in Canada. Participants will also hear about the roles that educators, settlement staff and language instructors play in the adaptation process. Registration deadline is Monday, July 10, 2017 at 3pm.

Invisible Wounds: The impact of six years of war on the mental health of Syria’s children

At least three million children under the age of six know nothing but war. For many Syrian children, prolonged exposure to war, stress and uncertainty has left them in a state of “toxic stress.” Some of the immediate impacts of this stress are increased bedwetting, self-harm, suicide attempts and aggressive or withdrawn behaviour. Left untreated the long-term effects may be even greater. Save the Children has completed the largest and most comprehensive study of Syrian children’s mental health and well-being. This 25-page report documents the impact of war on children and their families and ends with recommendations for creating solutions.

Watch for the Signs: How to Prevent Heat Stroke

Did you know that incidents of heat stroke spike at the end of June and into July? During these months, children are often outside playing, but with all the fun and excitement, precautions must be taken to keep them safe. In this article from Children’s Health, you’ll learn the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, what to do when they strike and special precautions for babies.

Webinar: Helping Syrian Refugee Children Cope

The Syrian refugee children you work with may be coping with mental health challenges as a result of trauma. This webinar provides information on how to talk to children about the difficulties they may be experiencing. Learn which symptoms may require mental health referral and which are likely to subside once a stable home and community supports are in place.

June 27 is Canadian Multiculturalism Day

Canadian Multiculturalism Day is an opportunity to celebrate our diversity and our commitment to democracy, equality and mutual respect. We also celebrate the contributions of the various multicultural groups and communities of Canadian society.

This year, to mark the 150th anniversary of Confederation, the day will be even more spectacular. There will be activities in many communities and live performances in three Canadian cities showcasing well-known artists from different cultural communities.