What makes a good early learning environment?

The first step in creating an appropriate environment for infants, toddlers, and preschool children is to examine how young children learn and develop. Each stage of development has unique characteristics that influence how a child will experience his or her environment. Here are some things to consider when designing your CNC space.

What is Scaffolding in Early Childhood Education?

Put simply, scaffolding is the act of an educator or parent adjusting their support techniques to suit an individual child at a developmentally appropriate level. Most people who work with young children use a form of scaffolding each and every day without knowing it as we support our children and students in learning new ideas and skills.

Voices Of Children Documentary

In this small film with a big heart, we meet young children from communities around the globe, bringing us a glimpse of their extraordinary diversity. Children from five diverse countries draw us into their worlds through their many voices. Behind their experiences lie messages, both universal and informed by place, time, and culture. The children share their ideas, hopes, challenges, and capacity as they talk, sing, work, dance, and play!

Children take longer to learn two languages at once compared to just one — don’t fret

Some bilingual children from immigrant families develop each language at a slower pace because their learning is spread across two languages. This research shows strong evidence that the rate of language growth is influenced by the number of languages a child is learning - which challenges the belief that children are linguistic sponges who quickly absorb the language or languages they hear and become proficient speakers of both languages!

Do you have plants in your program?

About Kids Health has put together an overview of plant safety and and a helpful list of poisonous plants to avoid.

Best Start Conference

This event encourages service providers in prenatal health and early child development and education can meet, share, reflect, network and be inspired. It's an annual opportunity to increase knowledge, learn innovative strategies, and showcases promising practices across multiple settings related to family, maternal, newborn and young child health and education. Register now!

Learn how to better engage diverse families in your program!

All parents want the best for their children, and there are plenty of creative ways to support parent involvement in early childhood programs. The McCormick Center has a collection of resources, training and ideas to help you engage diverse families in your program!

Refrigerate Right – Tips for Storing Food Safely

Did you know that it’s important to cover and place the food in a way that helps to keep it from getting cross-contaminated with drippings or juices from other foods when you store food in a refrigerator? Here's how...

Addressing Challenging Behaviours

Whether a child hits others, uses inappropriate language, or throws a tantrum, all educators have to address challenging behaviours in the classroom. Learn more about how focusing on prevention, social-emotional learning and self-regulation tools can help.

A letter to early educators working with refugee children

There seems to be a lot of talk about politics. But not enough talking about you, the early childhood educator. You are very important. In the language of resilience research, you are a most valuable protective factor. You are giving children hope that good adults can look out for them. You are letting them control their confusing world by allowing them to play and learn.