Infographic: What is epigenetics and how does it relate to child development?

Epigenetics explains how early experiences can have lifelong impact. Science tells us that environmental influences—including the experiences we provide for children—actually affect the expression of their genes. This means that the old idea of Nature vs. Nurture is no longer a debate. It's nearly always both! To understand more about epigenetics and how it affects child development and long-term health outcomes, check out this new infographic.

Video: How Does Positive Guidance Work?

Are you still using 'time out' in your program and struggling with challenging behaviour? If so, watch this quick video that explains alternative positive guidance strategies, why and how they really work!

Sensory Clay Nature Ornaments

Children love these simple clay nature ornaments... the white ‘clay’ dough takes less than 5 minutes to make, and the ingredients are probably already in your cupboard, so setup is easy too!

Learning Shapes for Preschoolers: Our Favourite Activities

Learning shapes helps to introduce preschoolers to early math concepts and vocabulary while giving them a better understanding of space and the shapes they see in the world around them. Luckily, there are a lot of fun ways to incorporate learning shapes for preschoolers into your program. Here are just a few of our favourites!

Helping children become brave, informed and thoughtful about race

EmbraceRace is a multiracial community of parents, teachers and experts who identify, organize and create tools, resources, discussion spaces, and networks. Their goal is to nurture resilience in children of colour, nurture inclusive, empathetic children and programs, and support a movement of advocates for all children. Their website is full of information, videos and tip sheets for caregivers like you.

Relationships matter: How you can support positive parenting in the early years

This resource was originally written for health care providers, but it's relevant to your work in CNC too! Find out more about the ‘ABCs’ of how you can help strengthen relationships with—and within—the families you work with each day.

Culturally Appropriate Positive Guidance with Young Children

Many parenting approaches and children's behaviours have cultural roots, and while it's important for early childhood educators to foster each child’s developing identity, it's also important to share cultural lessons and help cultivate shared norms for your program. This article is full of examples and strategies for helping culturally diverse children and families to understand and negotiate differing norms and social expectations.

Activities to Promote Preschool Cognitive Development

Preschoolers are eager to learn how the world works, and the best way for them to learn at this age is through play. But not all preschool cognitive development activities are created equal! If you’re wondering how to help the children in your CNC program improve their cognitive skills, here are some examples of activities to incorporate into your daily routine to promote preschool cognitive development.

What Is Early Childhood Development? A Guide to the Science

Healthy development in the early years (particularly birth to three) provides the building blocks for educational achievement, economic productivity, responsible citizenship, lifelong health, strong communities, and successful parenting of the next generation. What can we do during this incredibly important period to ensure that children have a strong foundation for future development? The Center on the Developing Child created this Guide to Early Childhood Development (ECD) to help parents, caregivers, practitioners, and policymakers understand the importance of early childhood development and learn how to support children and families during this critical stage.

New National Program to Help Newcomers Navigate Paediatric Healthcare

Immigration officials have picked the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario to create a new national network to help newcomers to Canada overcome linguistic and cultural hurdles to care and understand our health system. A nationwide Newcomer Navigator Network aims to ensure standardized service delivery by health-care organizations serving both children and adults and by workers helping newcomers.