E-Learning: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Supporting Overwhelmed Children – Available in English and French

Last fall, AMSSA hosted a 1-hour virtual workshop on Trauma-Informed Approaches to Supporting Overwhelmed Children for IRCC-funded early childhood educators in B.C. For those who were unable to attend, the presentation recordings and shared materials are now available. This e-learning module provides practical strategies to better support children in moments of crisis as well as resources to extend your learning (e.g., caregiving for healthy attachment, healing after trauma, and resilience). This e-learning is available in both English and French, and a certificate of completion is available upon completion.

Place Matters: What Surrounds Us Shapes Us

The environment we create shapes the foundations of early childhood development. Every environment is infused with a combination of influences, which can have positive and negative impacts on health and development. This infographic illustrates how the influences from a child’s social, built, and natural environments—as well as the systemic factors that shape those environments—interact with each other to shape early childhood development and lifelong health.

Social Emotional Learning Language Tips For Emotional Intelligence

Children experience big emotions daily and need supportive caregivers to help them develop the four quadrants of emotional intelligence to better manage and regulate emotions effectively, work with peers, and empathize with others. This article explains the four quadrants, and provides us with the language we need to support this important development in our CNC programs. This may seem like a lot, but you may be surprised to find that you're already promoting these quadrants and skills in your everyday conversations without even realizing it!

7 Critical Components of Empathy

Empathy isn't something we are either born with or without, but a more complex way of being that is shaped by our experiences and relationships. Here are seven ways we can nurture empathy for the little ones in our lives everyday - both at home and in the classroom. After all, the magic of connection and learning happens when we are present for the little moments of everyday life.

Happy Canada Day!

On Canada Day 2023, let's celebrate our people, diversity, and youth. Wherever you are, enjoy the festivities and celebrate what makes you proud!


For many Canadian families, summer includes activities such as boating and swimming. But each year, tragic and avoidable water-related fatalities occur across Canada. Here are some helpful summer water safety guidelines, and our multilingual Learn about Swimming Safety "New in Canada" brochure that you can share with parents. For more information about water, boating and backyard pool safety, you can also visit the Canadian Red Cross.

National Indigenous Peoples Day 2023

Each year, on June 21st, Canadians celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day. This is a day that celebrates and recognizes First Nations, Métis, and Inuit cultures. It is observed on the 21st of June to recognize the summer solstice, the day of maximum daylight, and its importance to Indigenous Peoples.

World Refugee Day

Each year on June 20 the world celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. World Refugee Day is an opportunity to build empathy and understanding, and to recognize the resilience of refugee families everywhere.

Canadian Multiculturalism Day

On June 27, Canadian Multiculturalism Day honours the many cultural communities that help build a strong and vibrant Canadian society. It's an opportunity to celebrate the cultural diversity that enriches us collectively... have you thought about creating a local celebration or participating in activities in your community?

Supporting Diversity In The Early Years: Resources

In Canada today, families come from many different backgrounds and reflect a wide variety of cultures, languages, life experiences and lifestyles. Diversity is a key dimension of our past, present and future. Given this reality, children are likely to live and learn with people who may be very different from them. To prepare children for life in a diverse society, and to help protect them from bias and discrimination, it's important to encourage children’s positive feelings about themselves while fostering understanding and acceptance of differing beliefs, values and traditions. The Canadian Child Care Federation has a variety of resources to support caregivers in this important work.