Podcast: Avoiding Challenging Behaviour Through Movement and Play

In this Preschool and Beyond podcast Rae Pica discusses why children need to move and play, and the positive effects they have on learning and behavior.

How does COVID-19 Relate to Child Development?

Centre on the Developing Child has developed a helpful infographic that explains COVID-19 and how it relates to child development. They've also compiled a variety of resources on stress, resilience, and responding to the coronovirus.

New Webinar Series! Leadership for Change: Collaborative Conversations

Redleaf Press has a new webinar series on leadership in times of uncertainty. The sessions will be an opportunity for collaborative conversations, to ask questions of our experts, learn from and energize each other. Topics include: collaboration in the time of remote work, stepping into leadership roles, leading when the future seems uncertain, and leading and managing teams remotely. Each session will be 30-minutes, and you can submit your questions about leadership during COVID-19 ahead of time!

From Surviving to Thriving: Video Series

The COVID-19 pandemic has called all early childhood educators to muster our courage and strength like never before. Exchange Press, in collaboration with Hinge Early Education Brokers and Video Active Productions, has created this free video series. Each video has inspiration, support, and practical advice from experts to help you navigate the rough waters of this crisis.

Video Call Dance Party: Dancing, Singing, and Learning Together!

Here are two playful activities for young children that are packed with benefits and will also use up some of that wonderful kid energy. They're designed so that they could be done together on a video call for parents and teachers to lead a group of children in a virtual dance party.

A Guide to COVID-19 and Early Childhood Development

In this challenging time, child development has not paused, and supporting children, families, and care providers of all kinds is as important as ever. This guide pulls together information on COVID-19, including what it means for child development, and shareable resources that can help parents, caregivers, child care providers, pediatricians, and others who work with families.

Free Learning Modules for Early Years Professionals

In support of early years professionals affected by the Covid-19, here are some new online learning opportunities on topics like compassion fatigue and supporting children experiencing anxiety.

50 short videos of open-ended play ideas

This free video library is a collection of 50 activities that can easily be done at home - so it's perfect for sharing with families! It includes fun science, math, art and nature activities.

Webinar: Facilitating Meaningful Online Experiences With Young Children

As early childhood educators, our personal interactions with children have always been rooted in the physical classroom with real objects and close proximity. Now, due to COVID-19, we are scrambling to find ways to stay connected and continue to care for and educate the children in our programs. Join this timely webinar to learn how to create engaging, meaningful, and developmentally appropriate routines, rituals, traditions with children online during these challenging times.

COVID-19: Strategies, Self-Care and Resources for Educators

It’s important that we stay connected and care for each other as best we can during this time, especially supporting those isolated by COVID19. The strength of relationships and community will support mental and physical health in the weeks/months ahead and ensure we all get through this together. Here are some strategies, self-care ideas and resources that may help you navigate this time of uncertainty.