SPO Highlight: CCLCS CNC Program
CNC teams have always displayed a strong commitment to constant improvement. PD sessions often have great turn-outs, as caregivers want to keep learning. The last few years have seen a significant decrease in organized PD opportunities. For some programs, however, it didn’t mean the end of PD.
CCLCS recognizes that PD is the way to keep current, learn about new practice that improve the quality of care, and find safe and developmentally appropriate ideas for the children. Yet, they lack funding for formal training. This CNC program shared with us how they to stay on top of what is happening in the field. The model is simple, but requires the commitment of the team to actively seek resources.
For the past year, the site administrator, Shahnaz Zaker, has encouraged each CNC staff to research and bring a new article or educational resource to the monthly team meeting. Everyone can participate but no one feels forced. The team member selects the article, reviews it and does a presentation to the rest of the team. They also discuss what would be required to put this into action. All team members get a copy of the resource and a copy is added to the program binder. If the program tries the PD idea, then she goes back and makes notes about how well it works.
Where do most of these resources come from? One caregiver took a personal day off to attend a workshop. She then shared the information with the team. Since most staff don’t have time for a full day training, they
look for helpful resources online.
The topics vary and ideas used in the program include:
- the calming effect of music
- how to use yoga to help children (especially children with special needs
- tips for potty training
- managing behavioural problems
A creative art project was one PD idea that was presented and tried out in the program. Both the children and their parents loved it. Seeing the families enjoying themselves inspires the CCLS staff to continue looking for new ideas and developing themselves through PD. As an added bonus, Zaker also offers incentives if they bring a resource.
“Small things like allowing them to go home 10 minutes early really motivates them and makes them happy,” she explains.
*Looking for PD?