The Care for Newcomer Children (CNC) model was developed in conjunction with an advisory committee made up of academics and representatives of stakeholder groups from across the country, CMAS also sought out extensive input from the settlement community.
CNC, built on LINC and Occasional Child Care programs, offers one comprehensive system for delivering quality programs to immigrant children in a variety of formats and settings. The model also ensures that CIC’s child care support can be modernized and streamlined in tandem with new policy initiatives and changes in adult service delivery.
If you are new to CNC, you may want to start by watching an orientation video:
CNC Orientation: A New Type of Child Care (Administrators)
CNC Orientation: A New Type of Child Care (CNC Staff)
CNC Guide
The CNC Guide is a series of online modules that can walk you through the entire model at your own pace. Through the Guide, you can download practical resources, like forms and checklists, that will help in your overall planning and day-to-day operations.
CNC Requirements
The Care for Newcomer Children Requirements (CNCR) is a document available for download and/or print that outlines all the requirements needed to follow the new model. The CNCR is available in both English and French.
Answers to Your CNC Questions
This section has the answers to frequently asked questions about CNC.
CNC Implementation Checklist for Administrators
The CNC Implementation Checklist is a simplified tool that will help you manage the CNC implementation process for your organization. The checklist enables you to:
- Quickly assess where your organization is in the implementation process
- Identify key steps to take
- Assign tasks and set timelines to customize your plan
- Check items off the list when they are successfully completed!
English: Click Here to download the Implementation Checklist. For help with getting started, click here.
French: Click Here to download the Implementation Checklist. For help with getting started, click here.